Olympus High School
Class of 1966
50th Reunion Pictures
Social at Olympus High, Friday August 19th, 2016
Ladies Luncheon, Saturday Augusy 20th, 2016
Olympus Class of ‘66
By Diane Steele Austin
We’ve made it here today.
We went to great places,
And now back to Holladay.
I’m sorry to say so
But, sadly its true.
Not everyone could join us,
What could we do?
But the places we went,
And the fun that was done.
The points that were scored,
And the games that were won.
And the magical things that we did overall,
Made us the winningest winners of all.
And who could forget Polly McCall?
Fame! Some were famous as famous could be,
With the whole wide world watching them on tv.
One is famous medically,
At John Hopkins is our very own Dr. Brent Petty!
Some were botoxed,
Whether it looked good or not.
And Viagra was something
That was used quite a lot.
But on and on we did hike
And I know we hiked far
And faced up to our problems
However bizarre
Some got mixed up,
As you already know
Selling Avon and Mary Kay,
Hitting us all up for dough.
And though some stepped in crap
with great care and great tact,
We remembered that Life’s a Great Balancing Act.
And when technology went over our heads,
Texting and email became something to dread.
Asking for help from a 3 year old kid
is still quite embarrassing, heaven forbid.
We never forgot to be dexterous and deft.
And never mixed up our right foot with our left.
Did we succeed,
Yes yes, indeed.
98 and 3 quarters percent guaranteed.
Titans, we’ve moved mountains!
Be your name Baltzer or Nevin, or DeMeade .
Or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’reade…..
We went to great places
And had a few kicks.
Let’s all raise a glass
To the class of ’66!
Photos from Evening Dinner/Social at Heritqge Gardens, Saturday August 20th, 2016
More Pictures from Friday's Social
More Ladies Luncheon
More from Satrurday Dinner Social
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